Thanks once again to Raxenne Maniquiz |
Countless of movies (and cheesy
life coaches) love to tell us that the difference between a winner and a loser
is their resistance towards giving up. While that is somewhat true across all
facets of life, there are some instances wherein not giving up is crazier than
rolling around buck-ass naked in a burning pig sty.
As most people in my generation have discovered, it’s easier to find
a clean public toilet in Recto during booze-drinking hours than to land a great
first job (or second, but who’s counting?). Simply put, there’s a reason why
good jobs are so hard to find: everyone wants them. But the problem is,
(according to LinkedIn) only 10% of jobs are advertised. The other 90%? Well
let’s just say that’s where the saying of “It’s not just what you know, but who
you know that matters” comes in.